Editorial Published in PRATYAKSHA Daily Newspaper
Dated : 04-December-2008
India did submit to the government of Pakistan, officially and urgently, a list of terrorists residing in Pakistan and bringing about destruction all over the world and executing terrorist attacks in India.
India gave Pakistan a time period of seven days to hand over these terrorists.
However, slime, conspiracy and deviousness being the mastered skills of Pakistan, this nation has officially refused to do so and in no uncertain terms. It has on the contrary, reacted with a baseless and self-serving allegation that the terrorist attacks of 26th November were a joint conspiracy hatched by India, the United States and Israel.
Moreover, it is indeed pointless expecting any political prudence from Mr. Zardari, who is better known as ‘Mr. ten percent’, i.e. by his identity as a middleman. Also, where international politics is concerned, it is mandatory to adhere to certain norms in order to avoid blame and that is precisely what India did.
India gave Pakistan a time period of seven days to hand over these terrorists.

Moreover, it is indeed pointless expecting any political prudence from Mr. Zardari, who is better known as ‘Mr. ten percent’, i.e. by his identity as a middleman. Also, where international politics is concerned, it is mandatory to adhere to certain norms in order to avoid blame and that is precisely what India did.
And now it is Pakistan that has rid India totally of the responsibility of averting war.
The fact that Pakistan has nuclear arms need not worry us at all. In any case all these nuclear arms, missiles and other sophisticated weapons are going to pass over to the hands of Taliban, who is going to take charge of Pakistan. What will then follow will be extreme horrific destruction and tumult that India, the United States, Great Britain, Israel, France and Germany will have to suffer. It therefore becomes imperative to pin down Pakistan, shake it to shambles and hand it over to prudent and sensible leaders of Pakistan.
India has never harboured intentions of gulping down Pakistan and it never will. Today however, India does indeed nurture the wish to squash Pakistan and as a matter of fact, India must.
However, I appeal to My friends to mind well that this enmity exists between India and Pakistan and by no means between the Indian Hindu and the Indian Muslim. One would not even dream of doubting the patriotism and the loyal dutifulness of the police commissioner of Mumbai, Shree Hasan Gafoor and Shree Javed Ahmed - also belonging to Islam. Besides, I am more than sure that the Indian Muslim is going to stand by India. The wars in the past have more than proved this fact. The refusal of the Islamic clerics to allow the last rites of the terrorists to be conducted, is indeed indicative of their patriotism and dutifulness.
Taking help of their secret supporters, Pakistan will in all certainty, keep striving to bring about riots between the Hindus and the Muslims or even between the Christians and the Muslims. It follows therefore that all of us Indians need to be very alert and not allow this to happen.
Yesterday’s editorial discussed how we ought to set about our task. Let us now go on to see, what we can do further.
1) Since all that is needed as far as the address of the chief minister and that of the prime minister are concerned, your letters will reach them with a minimal mention of the office, the post and the name of the city, keep on mounting the pressure by adopting this one and also other measures spoken about yesterday. -Victory will be ours, down with enemy!
2) Every Indian citizen must be alert as he goes about his daily affairs and immediately inform the closest police station, if he came across a suspicious article, a vehicle or a even a person who arouses suspicion by his demeanour.
3) Further, it is very important for every prudent citizen to ensure that hearsay does not turn into rumour; for rumours spread like wild fire and tend to incite the ‘mob’ to act reckless and misbehave to say the least. The result could be destructive acts ranging from stampede to stone throwing or the likes of these. We must know and know well that at this moment, it is our prime duty to ensure that the Indian police force does not find itself under excessive pressure.
4) Our volunteers of the AADM and all the Upasana centres will remain in constant contact with the police stations in their respective vicinities and will extend all appropriate help. This will be done in a very disciplined manner not resorting to any impulsive act or a risk that is uncalled for. Like I have mentionned in the work ‘The Third World War?’, war is not restricted to the borders of nations any more; modern techniques of warfare have taken the war to the backyard of the commoner. This is also the reason why I have put forth for My friends, this approach of co-operating with the police force and mind you, this just has to be, considering the fact that the police force is burdened with the mamoth task of ensuring security within the country and that too with their scarce equipment and their scarce numerical strength. Here again, the sentiment that ‘we are obliging the police force’ is out of the question and totally wrong.
5) That small towns and villages located away from the Indian borders and coasts do not really need to be alert is not only a misconception but a foolish and suicidal notion. This is so, because now on, small towns or apparently insignificant locations (not only ports) along the extensive coast of India are all going to become access points for Pakistan and its secret supporters in India. Major deterrents like tight security measures are lacking in small towns and so they will tend to target these apparently insignificant places and cause all the damage there. This therefore calls for citizens of small towns too, to take all precaution and be alert. Dilly-dallying and carelessness in the matter will result in grave consequences, what the ‘Kaal’ (Time) will never pardon. So shraddhaavaan citizens of small towns as well must necessarily co-operate with the police force and contribute to the service of the nation.
6) In case India refrains from adopting a more stringent and more severe stand until the early hours of Friday the 5th, what you ought to do the morning of Friday onwards is, wear on your forehead or your arm, a white band or a white handkerchief bearing the words ‘May Pakistan be destroyed’ in red ink. At the same time, take to writing messages and letters with increased fervour and in increased numbers.
7) In the event that the expected action is not taken until the early hours of the 7th, I Myself will commence the ‘satyagraha’. This satyagraha will be done in complete peace, will be done through totally non-violent means and will not exert any pressure whatsoever on the policeforce This will be so because this satyagraha is in no way directed against the Indian government, on the contrary it means to strengthen its hands; it does not mean to corner the government or the police force, it will be done in cooperation with them.
8) This satyagraha will span from the 7th to the 14th. If appropriate action is indeed taken before the end of this period, tasks extending help will be taken up. But then what about if nothing happens until the 14th? Well, why do I spill it out now? But be sure, the path adopted will always be of co-operation, never ever of non-co-operation.
9) How exactly will the satyagraha be observed? a) With a one rupee coin in the hand, the person observing the satyagraha (he will go by himself. There will not be a gathering or a crowd at any cost) will go to the office of the local Grampanchayat, of the Zilla parishad or to the local ward offices in cities and gives it as contribution towards the ‘Indian soldiers’ fund’. He will do so by ‘insisting’ that the officers present accept it. This ‘insistence’ on his part will be polite, calm and will convey love. He will not expect a receipt for the contribution. Areas where there is a prohibition on gatherings and crowds, respect and abide by the law and avoid this gesture of contributing one rupee. b) Also every person committed in the service to the nation shall make a greeting card and send it on the address, ‘the minister for defence, the government of India.’ Inside, all that this greeting card will bear is, ‘Pranam to India, our motherland’ and ‘Our best wishes to the Indian army’. c) Every person given in the service to the nation will personally visit the home of the M.L.A or the M.P. of his locality and present a flower and a sachet of udi each in expression of good wishes to the Indian government and to the Indian army. d) From the 7th to the 14th of December, every Upasana centre shall, in small groups, recite the Ghorakashtoddharan Stotra for a minimum of 24 times everyday.
However, bear in mind that groups may comprise of not more than 25 persons. Also it will be strictly ensured that the occasion is not used for slogan shouting or as platform for political stunts of any kind whatsoever.
Following the recitation of the Ghorakashtoddharan Stotra, every person present, shall sign below the mantra ‘Jai Hind’ written in large letters. This paper bearing the Ghorakashtoddharan Stotra on the reverse, should be sent to the government of India
e) Every Indian given in the service to the nation may, at least for one day out of the seven spoken above, abstain from food (fast) for 14 hours, from 7 in the morning to 9 in the evening. You can very well drink water. The ‘pangs’ that you feel, will transform into great strength and will prove effective.
Do not however, do the fast in groups and do not indulge in display or show of any kind.
Let us read over and over again the above nine points and the 5 points relating to actual action included in the 9th one and in accordance with them, let us do this sacred satyagraha with love and in a disciplined manner.
The path of our satyagraha is in no way of non-co-operation with the government. It has to be a ‘satyagraha of‘whole-hearted co-operation’ and so it will certainly be.
I too, will be observing all that has been spoken about.
My dear shraddhaavaan friends, who love their nation, the ‘I’ refers to the child of India My motherland; the ‘I’ refers to the child of Anasuya, Her child who is very close to Her heart and the ‘I’ also refers to an obedient young warrior of the Indian constitution.
The fact that Pakistan has nuclear arms need not worry us at all. In any case all these nuclear arms, missiles and other sophisticated weapons are going to pass over to the hands of Taliban, who is going to take charge of Pakistan. What will then follow will be extreme horrific destruction and tumult that India, the United States, Great Britain, Israel, France and Germany will have to suffer. It therefore becomes imperative to pin down Pakistan, shake it to shambles and hand it over to prudent and sensible leaders of Pakistan.
India has never harboured intentions of gulping down Pakistan and it never will. Today however, India does indeed nurture the wish to squash Pakistan and as a matter of fact, India must.
Taking help of their secret supporters, Pakistan will in all certainty, keep striving to bring about riots between the Hindus and the Muslims or even between the Christians and the Muslims. It follows therefore that all of us Indians need to be very alert and not allow this to happen.
Yesterday’s editorial discussed how we ought to set about our task. Let us now go on to see, what we can do further.
1) Since all that is needed as far as the address of the chief minister and that of the prime minister are concerned, your letters will reach them with a minimal mention of the office, the post and the name of the city, keep on mounting the pressure by adopting this one and also other measures spoken about yesterday. -Victory will be ours, down with enemy!
2) Every Indian citizen must be alert as he goes about his daily affairs and immediately inform the closest police station, if he came across a suspicious article, a vehicle or a even a person who arouses suspicion by his demeanour.
3) Further, it is very important for every prudent citizen to ensure that hearsay does not turn into rumour; for rumours spread like wild fire and tend to incite the ‘mob’ to act reckless and misbehave to say the least. The result could be destructive acts ranging from stampede to stone throwing or the likes of these. We must know and know well that at this moment, it is our prime duty to ensure that the Indian police force does not find itself under excessive pressure.
4) Our volunteers of the AADM and all the Upasana centres will remain in constant contact with the police stations in their respective vicinities and will extend all appropriate help. This will be done in a very disciplined manner not resorting to any impulsive act or a risk that is uncalled for. Like I have mentionned in the work ‘The Third World War?’, war is not restricted to the borders of nations any more; modern techniques of warfare have taken the war to the backyard of the commoner. This is also the reason why I have put forth for My friends, this approach of co-operating with the police force and mind you, this just has to be, considering the fact that the police force is burdened with the mamoth task of ensuring security within the country and that too with their scarce equipment and their scarce numerical strength. Here again, the sentiment that ‘we are obliging the police force’ is out of the question and totally wrong.
5) That small towns and villages located away from the Indian borders and coasts do not really need to be alert is not only a misconception but a foolish and suicidal notion. This is so, because now on, small towns or apparently insignificant locations (not only ports) along the extensive coast of India are all going to become access points for Pakistan and its secret supporters in India. Major deterrents like tight security measures are lacking in small towns and so they will tend to target these apparently insignificant places and cause all the damage there. This therefore calls for citizens of small towns too, to take all precaution and be alert. Dilly-dallying and carelessness in the matter will result in grave consequences, what the ‘Kaal’ (Time) will never pardon. So shraddhaavaan citizens of small towns as well must necessarily co-operate with the police force and contribute to the service of the nation.
6) In case India refrains from adopting a more stringent and more severe stand until the early hours of Friday the 5th, what you ought to do the morning of Friday onwards is, wear on your forehead or your arm, a white band or a white handkerchief bearing the words ‘May Pakistan be destroyed’ in red ink. At the same time, take to writing messages and letters with increased fervour and in increased numbers.
7) In the event that the expected action is not taken until the early hours of the 7th, I Myself will commence the ‘satyagraha’. This satyagraha will be done in complete peace, will be done through totally non-violent means and will not exert any pressure whatsoever on the policeforce This will be so because this satyagraha is in no way directed against the Indian government, on the contrary it means to strengthen its hands; it does not mean to corner the government or the police force, it will be done in cooperation with them.
8) This satyagraha will span from the 7th to the 14th. If appropriate action is indeed taken before the end of this period, tasks extending help will be taken up. But then what about if nothing happens until the 14th? Well, why do I spill it out now? But be sure, the path adopted will always be of co-operation, never ever of non-co-operation.
9) How exactly will the satyagraha be observed? a) With a one rupee coin in the hand, the person observing the satyagraha (he will go by himself. There will not be a gathering or a crowd at any cost) will go to the office of the local Grampanchayat, of the Zilla parishad or to the local ward offices in cities and gives it as contribution towards the ‘Indian soldiers’ fund’. He will do so by ‘insisting’ that the officers present accept it. This ‘insistence’ on his part will be polite, calm and will convey love. He will not expect a receipt for the contribution. Areas where there is a prohibition on gatherings and crowds, respect and abide by the law and avoid this gesture of contributing one rupee. b) Also every person committed in the service to the nation shall make a greeting card and send it on the address, ‘the minister for defence, the government of India.’ Inside, all that this greeting card will bear is, ‘Pranam to India, our motherland’ and ‘Our best wishes to the Indian army’. c) Every person given in the service to the nation will personally visit the home of the M.L.A or the M.P. of his locality and present a flower and a sachet of udi each in expression of good wishes to the Indian government and to the Indian army. d) From the 7th to the 14th of December, every Upasana centre shall, in small groups, recite the Ghorakashtoddharan Stotra for a minimum of 24 times everyday.
However, bear in mind that groups may comprise of not more than 25 persons. Also it will be strictly ensured that the occasion is not used for slogan shouting or as platform for political stunts of any kind whatsoever.
Following the recitation of the Ghorakashtoddharan Stotra, every person present, shall sign below the mantra ‘Jai Hind’ written in large letters. This paper bearing the Ghorakashtoddharan Stotra on the reverse, should be sent to the government of India
e) Every Indian given in the service to the nation may, at least for one day out of the seven spoken above, abstain from food (fast) for 14 hours, from 7 in the morning to 9 in the evening. You can very well drink water. The ‘pangs’ that you feel, will transform into great strength and will prove effective.
Do not however, do the fast in groups and do not indulge in display or show of any kind.
Let us read over and over again the above nine points and the 5 points relating to actual action included in the 9th one and in accordance with them, let us do this sacred satyagraha with love and in a disciplined manner.
The path of our satyagraha is in no way of non-co-operation with the government. It has to be a ‘satyagraha of‘whole-hearted co-operation’ and so it will certainly be.
I too, will be observing all that has been spoken about.
My dear shraddhaavaan friends, who love their nation, the ‘I’ refers to the child of India My motherland; the ‘I’ refers to the child of Anasuya, Her child who is very close to Her heart and the ‘I’ also refers to an obedient young warrior of the Indian constitution.
Ek Bar Galati Kare Wo ‘Nadaan’
Do Bar Galati Kare Wo ‘Insaan’
Bar Bar Galati Kare Wo ‘Shaitaan’
Galatiyo Pe Galatiya Kare Wo
Uski Har Galati Maaf Kare Wo
Lekin Ab Hindustaan Ne Uski Galatiya
Maaf Karna Chood Diya Hai
we should strike back not just with word but should act now....
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